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A disaster that put the entire globe to a standstill is indeed shocking, yet the silver lining to this was that it became a wakeup call to many organizations.
As the theory of evolution describes, we humans must adapt. Despite Covid19 virus putting both individuals and organizations through immense stress, it has no doubt changed how many of us think, live and work.
For a very long time, though this new way of life was merely a talk, it is truly astonishing to note how well us humans adapted and brought about new ways in managing our work and life.
From an organizational perspective this global tragedy forced many companies to evolve. As for Informatics it was no different. We needed rapid action, to work on revolutionizing the four P’s that include, People, Processes, Policies and Practices in order to adapt flexible work options. In simple terms we had to rethink “the future of work”.
To adapt to this new normal, Informatics introduced strategies which can be categorized as:
1) Creating a sense of belongingness
a. Key is to Communicate!
Effective communication is key to dealing with any situation. Therefore, from the Top Down Informatics ensured that everyone stays well connected.
In order to effectively communicate, remote / virtual communication methods were used. Informatics, predominantly being a technology driven group of company’s virtual working was not something new to the majority, yet for few it was something that required getting used to. Online meetings, calls and even trainings became a common occurrence and staff adapted well to the new way of work.
b. Forming of a Taskforce
A team that consisted of members from various cross functional lines of work were added to a special team that formed as a taskforce to ascertain and take required action with the aim of continuing a smooth operation. The members of the taskforce included staff from various job levels and disciplines. This worked as a platform for open communication, developing leadership skills and most importantly empowering staff.
c. Solicit ideas and provide guidance
Every staff member was encouraged and given the opportunity to contribute whether it is on how to deal with the Covid19 situation or conducting operational tasks, the respective Line Managers and Heads of Departments with the support from HR introduced new methods to communicate and express their ideas and thoughts. Suggestion boxes, townhall meetings were made virtual!
2) Enabling Team Work and Collaboration
a. Collaboration through communication
Open forums with both Top Management and HR team members provided the opportunity for every staff member to be heard. Line Managers and Heads of Departments set the mentality to ensure that normalcy is maintained to the best possible level by providing regular intervals and communication lines while staff are at work. Staff were constantly kept motivated with various activities organized among teams and as a group to ensure that they are set on targets and did not get isolated.
b. Staff Engagement
HR conducted regular pulse checks on staff with frequent touch bases in the form of casual chats. Top Management participated in weekly Business Download sessions to ensure that all staff were updated regarding the company’s direction and work progress. Addition to above, HR rolled out various virtual gaming’s to inculcate a “Fun at Work” culture with the support from Line Managers and Heads of Departments.
3) Recognizing and Rewarding
In many ways, this horrible event was damaging not just to the organization but to the staff, despite which staff at Informatics were highly committed and motivated towards their work and operational goals. Staff who were exceptional performers within their scope of work and beyond were instantly identified and rewarded. This made every staff member know that their work/ideas mattered a great deal to us.
4) We value you, we care
Staff who found it difficult to operate their daily schedules as a result of this disaster were supported by HR taking the initiative to partner with various retail and other partners. Even among teams’ staff were encouraged to support one another as working from home / remotely can also have its own set of challenges.
5) Trust! Plays a big role
Giving the staff the freedom and flexibility to work by implementing work from home / remote working policy, we at Informatics provided the flexibility for staff to carryout work at their own comfort.
Moreover, Informatics trusts its staff members to carry out their work effectively and efferently, regardless of where they are. Making it simply just fine to work from wherever and not have the need to be present at work.
Collectively we believe these actions can go along way and would definitely be the new way of work, it would be up to both the leaders and staff to ensure it is continued. Having the agility and mindset I am certain any organization can quickly adopt work place flexibility by upgrading their four P’s. Simply how we at Informatics made it a success story.
Sachithra Ranasinghe
Group Head of Human Resources